Help Centre
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My business partner(s)
I am a SHOPIFY business partner
Getting started
Shopify gift cards & distributions
My account details
Pay-it-forward information
Accounting & reconciliation
My charity partner(s)
My Generosity HUB and GoGenerosity Stories
I am a CHARITY partner
The model
What do charities get?
My business partner(s)
Distributions of products and services
My Generosity Hub and GoGenerosity Stories
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Help Centre
I am a CHARITY partner
My business partner(s)
I am a SHOPIFY business partner
Getting started
Shopify gift cards & distributions
My account details
Pay-it-forward information
Accounting & reconciliation
My charity partner(s)
My Generosity HUB and GoGenerosity Stories
I am a CHARITY partner
The model
What do charities get?
My business partner(s)
Distributions of products and services
My Generosity Hub and GoGenerosity Stories
How do I see who all my partners are?
On your Generosity Hub.
If this doesn't look right, please let us know.